Monday, March 24, 2025


Van life can be dangerous especially if one (like me) has no idea what one (like me) is doing! Someone was telling me they saw the shell of a van on a highway totally incinerated. I wonder what happened? Did she drop the Bluetti which would explode? Was the wiring faulty or the wires used too small unable to handle the electrical currents? My solar guy told me I should not be using any kind of extension cord or power strips unless I want a fire. Who would have known? I've been using both for cooking for months!

My Ford Transit passenger van used to be...wait for it...a passenger van! I think it originally came with twelve seats. All but four seats I removed - two in the front and two in the back serving as a lounge or couch. Safety regulations requires air bags along the sides of the van to protect passengers. When I attempted to fast talk my insurance agent into believing it was no longer a passenger van, but a cargo van with no capacity for carrying passengers, she required I send photos. I assured her as someone who is chemically sensitive, no one would be along for the ride in my van and I wouldn't be picking up smelly hitchhikers.

When I gutted the van removing the horrid fiberglass interior shell that was shedding creepy fiber particles in the air making it hard to breathe, never mind the accumulated dirt and dust they harbored, it exposed the side curtain air bags. Fascinating, but ugly. A friend did ask, "Are those curtains?" Really? Do you think I'd hang curtains so ugly?

But check out the TORPEDOES! That doesn't even look safe!

I debated for a long time if I should remove the air bags. Lots of discussion online with people stating keep them for safety. It seems most vans in an accident are hit on the side and an air bag might save my life. I thought, Well, if I ever go over a cliff, I'd be happy for the air bags. Note to self: don't drive over a cliff.

Some people clearly had no confidence I would be able to do it correctly. Why? Because I'm a woman? Or just because they know I don't know what I'm doing most of the time. I admit the learning curve remains very steep.

Others said they are not needed in a cargo or camper van. Most who buy passenger vans to convert them as campers, remove them. Solar guy said he'd worry they'd deploy while I was sleeping. But WHY would they deploy when I'm sleeping and how would that be dangerous? The van would fill with air bags. Would it suffocate me? Knock me out? When they were covered by the fiberglass shell, I would think getting hit by that hard wall would be more hazardous! Solar guy said they just look dangerous, like bombs. Yep.

There was some discussion if they are removed, insurance wouldn't cover anything if in an accident. So I called my insurance agent with a "hypothetical" question. She said the insurance adjusters would see I removed them and deduct the cost of air bags from my loss. I looked online. Brand new they are about $500 and used people are trying to sell them for about $200. I read they don't sell that easily.

Personally, regardless of various reasons for safety, I thought they were ugly. The torpedoes look dangerous. The bags look like bad decorating. Wires, tape, screws all over. They aren't meant to be seen. I would like more metal exposed so I can use hanging magnets or cover the sides with fabric or real curtains.

So I searched for air bag removal instructions and viewed as many videos as I could find. Oddly enough, only one actually showed details on how to dismantle them. The rest were just like this post, "I did it, oops, I forgot to take a video!" I totally understand as when it comes time to put one's life on the line and dismantle what might explode, videoing was my last thought. I know this isn't the case for everyone as some live for the video!

Here's what I did: 

1) Order air bag simulators. You'll need four. You can find them online priced from $25 to $5 for four. I opted for the $5 price because I am cheap and at the time I was still waffling on whether to remove air bags or not. I figured I could lose $5 if I changed my mind.

2) You'll need a flat screwdriver and some kind of wrench. Don't ask me what size. It would have been easier with the proper tools, but I just used a plain old wrench. You'll also want some electrical tape to cover the exposed negative battery terminal and to tape the simulator to the component just to be sure it doesn't work it's way out.

3) Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery and let the van sit disconnected with no power from ten minutes to one hour depending on which article you read. What this does is clear the electricity throughout the system so the air bags don't accidentally deploy. It also clears the dashboard air bag warning light. 

In my Ford Transit, the battery is under the driver's seat. Move the seat as far forward as possible. There is a fabric cover, lift it and tie it out of the way. Some videos show removing all the metal and plastic covers, but the right side of my battery was covered with a little plastic door easily removed. There is one bolt. Loosen and remove the bolt - it all stays together and just lift. Put electrical tape on the components so it doesn't connect from just sitting close by. Try turning ignition key. If it's dead, the van won't start and all the lights are off. I then let it sit for one hour just to be safe because I am neurotic or just conscientious. I don't want to die....

4) The scary part: On the end of each torpedo there is the wiring and a component. 

Pull the orange tab on the end out using a screwdriver. Then pull the whole part and wire out of the torpedo. Place a simulator into the component (on the opposite side of the orange tab where the component plugged into the torpedo) and replace the orange tab. I pushed them all together using the metal wall for leverage and it snaps loudly when connected. I used electrical tape and sealed the simulators onto the wired components and tucked them into a hole.

5) The hard part: Start removing the screws holding the whole air bag system to the wall of the van. The screws are tight! It took me about two hours. I very carefully moved the torpedoes. They are also being held in place with metal hinges (I don't know if I'm describing that correctly) so you can leave them in place until the very end, then lift up and out. I did not remove the headliner to get behind it and just cut off the air bag. (Maybe another day. Videos on removing the headliner with the electrical components looked way too complicated.) When totally detached, fold up the air bag with the torpedoes carefully and remove from van. I still wasn't sure they wouldn't explode.

Hooray! I didn't blow up anything and my van is not a post-fire shell of black burn.

A much cleaner look. The ugly is gone.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Van Life Has Changed Me...

Van life is challenging on a good day, although I can say now after three months it's getting better. I often wonder how it will affect my life in general. Will it be a positive influence overall or will it be one big regret? Will I eventually have nightmares and nightly ruminations about van dwelling much like I have been tormented about past jobs for most of my life? 

A friend of mine recently pondered about aging and as people get older they tend to migrate toward conservative, conventional thinking and become narrow minded, stuck in their ways while lacking in flexibility and opened-minds. I pondered back, maybe as we age we become wise, knowing what we like and what we don't? I think about this and wonder how van life will change me and how it already has. Here are some of the ways I feel I have changed from this experience in just three months (I may add to the list later):
10.) Buying in Bulk No More! I used to buy in bulk to get the best deals: cases of toilet paper and paper towels, packages of toothbrushes, etc. I still shop like that if I see a sale I want multiples. There is absolutely no extra room in a van. This forces me to rethink my spending habits and hopefully adjust my mindset. I still have three gallons of Ecos laundry detergent in my van. Eventually it'll get used freeing up more space, but now that each gallon is up to $30 (I bought them for $8 each!), they stay.

9.) I've become a non-toxic laundromat assessment expert. That is my new title. Impressive, eh? Prior to living in a van, I think I might have entered a laundromat twice in my life. I now know if the laundromat doesn't have top loading washers, don't even bother as other machines are too toxic to use since the detergent trays harbor the stink of Gain and other nasty poisons. They cannot be cleaned enough to be safe. I know this. I've tried. I'm thinking if van life ever ends I'll start a non-toxic laundromat business. There is definitely a need.

8.) I'm masquerading as a dog lover. To be clear, I don't hate dogs. I hate bad dog owners. My motto, "No such thing as a bad dog only bad dog owners." A majority of van dwellers have dogs: barking dogs, roaming dogs, shitting dogs, howling dogs, smelling dogs. There is no benefit to look like you hate the people you are camped next to and looking like you hate their dog is way worse. So I am friendly as fuck. I know all the dogs' names. I call them over to me. I snuggle and give them love. Recently, I house sat for some friends. Their son lives on the property and has FIVE barking dogs. FIVE!!?? My personal hell. But those dogs came up to the front door every morning and I dutifully went outside to greet them, talked baby talk, and gave them pets. I'm convinced I am possessed by some dog demon. Who would have ever thought?

7.) No-preparation food. I currently do not have a refrigerator, however, this is soon to be remedied. For many reasons, I now prefer no-cook, no-clean up meals. Cooking is a major endeavor that entails hauling out all the equipment from the back of the van, setting up, actual cooking, then clean up that utilizes a minimum of a gallon of water. Water is precious in van life. Bottom line, food preparation is a messy harassment. It's exhausting. My old rug is evidence sporting unsightly stains, general discoloration, and burn marks. I now avoid cooking inside the van, but bad weather sometimes requires it. My diet restricts processed food, restaurant food, leftovers, besides the long list of banned products which makes feeding myself a challenge anyway, but sometimes when the weather is bad or I'm just tired, I throw all caution to the wind and opt for a restaurant meal, or any non-cookable food out of the grocery store. After a lifetime of daily and elaborate healthy food preparation, this is so different!!

Before the rug was stained and burned...see it in the background?

6.) Exercise. I exercise now more than I ever have in my life! My Bluetti weighs 60 lbs and for a while before I acquired solar power, I used to have to lug it to the side or back of the van to charge it. I'm constantly crawling under the bed looking for things or curling up to fit into tight spaces. I am up and down the side steps, climbing my telescopic ladder to wash solar panels or the van, hoisting myself into the front seat, or catapulting myself into bed which is much like the bunk beds I had when I was a kid only without a ladder. I carry heavy glass jugs of water, move supplies, reorganize totes, crawl under the van, and transfer gallons of water to buckets. Today I lifted and transported a 40 lb. bag of pine pellets from the hardware store to my van. This is not uncommon and it's never-ending. Never mind the constant reorganization of my storage unit and I still try to walk everyday. I constantly think, I am way too old for these acrobats and deep knee bends (let alone any bends!). I worry about overexertion which will trigger autoimmune attacks, but it is what it is. I am feeling fine. My muscles are stronger, I haven't pulled anything out of place, and my stamina is increasing. 

5.) I'm working on a laptop after a lifetime of working on only a desktop. I swear a lot. It tends to do what it wants when it wants, and I'm constantly having to stop and correct the problems. It's a much slower process. Besides the screen is so damn small.

4.) Starfucks. I don't have internet in my van (yet) so I am required to find it out in the wild. Starfucks is one of those places. They used to allow people to walk in without buying anything to use their stores and bathrooms which I think is very good customer service. I could sit there all day and work for free which is outstanding marketing. This is a company that makes millions in profits overcharging people for drinks that might cost them 25 cents in supplies. I would think they can afford to allow people to use their facilities because a majority of their addicted caffeine-fiends will buy their overpriced products anyway to cover for the rest of us.

4:30am...the best time to visit. So quiet!

Unfortunately, the company decided they needed more money and imposed a purchasing "entrance fee" in order to sit in their store and use their bathroom. I don't drink caffeine or sugar, but I started buying a small cup of plain coffee if anything to avoid the stink eye of the counter peons. One of those peons yelled at me one morning, "IT'S NOT SMALL, IT'S TALL!" Oh, marketing bullshit. What a waste of $2.71. (Do the math times 30 that is how much it costs a month to use their internet almost more expensive than actual internet service!) A couple times I gave the cup of coffee to a homeless guy begging at the counter or someone sitting without a drink (oh! horrors!). Then I switched to a small (TALL!) glass of apple juice that within an hour would knock me on my butt from the sugar. I finally switched to water. $3.20 for a small (TALL!) bottle of water! What a rip! But at least I can use it and because I've started buying water every morning, the peons no longer glare at me.  I never used to patronize Starfucks. My favorite location claims to be the largest in the country. I find a corner to hide in and at 4:30am, there are few people in the store. They play good music. A few hours later when it starts getting crowded from all those caffeine-fiends needing their fix, I leave. It works for now. I look forward to getting internet in my van....

3.) I have become a plastic hoarder! I never used to buy plastic Ziplock bags. Plastic destroys the environment and pollutes the oceans. I am now addicted. Everything I own in the van is plasticized in a freezer bag. I buy them in different sizes. They keep everything contained and dry. Ziplock is the best brand. I also hoard plastic grocery bags and use them for a variety of bigger things that don't fit in a Ziplock such as document containment, garbage, and poop. They don't work well for urine as most are not water-tight, but when one needs to poop, using two bags, plus a Ziplock, plus a third bag works well. Sometimes I will go into a store, buy five items and  come out with each item in a plastic bag. Other times I just grab a handful as I'm ready to leave. I worry one day Walmart security will stop me and accuse me of theft. Although most stores utilize the thin, lightweight plastic bags, some stores have really thick, heavier plastic grocery bags. However, all plastic grocery bags are sturdy enough for carrying heavy groceries and are so handy for a variety of needs when living in a van.

2.) Walmart-ness. I boycotted Walmart for years, especially during the Bush and Dump presidencies because Walmart supports the Republican Party. I find in a van I'm less concerned about politics and truthfully, I just don't give a damn what a bunch of rich people who have overthrown the country do with their time. There is nothing I can control, nothing I can change, so why should I stress over this? Now I shop at Walmart everyday. This is the store with the cheapest water refills. They also sell high priced bathroom bags for camping, those Ziplocks I'm addicted to, vinegar, ammonia, and yogurt all at a cheaper price than other stores. I don't buy food at Walmart. I'm not that crazy, but they do have some gluten-free and organic products. Walmart is everywhere so I always have a place to get supplies and I'm usually shopping at 6am when there are no lines. Most Walmarts allow vans to park in their parking lots overnight. I have never done this, but if in a pinch late at night needing a place to stay, that's where I know I can go. As a van dweller, Walmart is now my friend.

1.) One of my greatest pet peeves are people who wear pajamas in public, usually flannel, printed pajama bottoms, but I have also seen a full set of pink printed outfits with matching bunny slippers walking right down the street. I've always considered these people failing miserable at fashion and just plain lazy. GET DRESSED, PEOPLE! I am now thinking maybe all this time I have missed the point!? Maybe pajama-wearing people are the free thinkers? Those not concerned about what others think? Only caring about being exceptionally comfortable? Are they the hippies of our current day and age? I am considering as a van dweller, I should be wearing pajamas!! I love my pajamas and it's not like I get to wear them "around the house" anymore! This thinking is SO RADICAL! I have not yet gone to the lingerie-wearing dark side although yesterday I was modeling my brightly striped pajama bottoms while I was sealing up holes in the bottom of the van only because they are old and I figured if I got oil and dirt all over them, it wouldn't matter. I had a visitor!! Did I flinch or run to hide? Nope. I proudly wore my PJ pants in public. I think about it all the time and I'm close to becoming a full-time free spirit. Soon....Maybe.

I think I've become a person that just doesn't give a rat's ass about things that used to bother me, less anal retentive and compulsive, less judgmental, and less stuck in my ways? I have become an ultra free thinker and doer! I think van life might be contradicting the ill effects of aging!!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Big Blue Gets a Makeover


Glow of paradise shining down on The Blue! (Or it's just sunshine...)

When I bought Big Blue, I jumped all the hoops of rational purchasing...I asked the right questions, I took her in for an inspection at the local Ford Dealership, I studied the details and looked for signs of badness, I test drove (for over an hour) and she past every test. The previous owners did tell me there is a "scratch" on the roof to which I replied, "Does she leak?" I have a rational fear of mold since my last van started leaking, unbeknowst to me, and after a year it created a mold nightmare forcing me to sell.

When I took Big Blue into the Ford Dealership for the inspection, I asked if they could inspect the roof specifically because of this information. They told me they didn't have that kind of equipment. I found it odd no one in a company filled with men had a ladder? But I was desperate for an alternate living arrangement due to my horrifying rental experience with the psychopath. Desperation makes one stupid. How bad could a "scratch" be? I know how easy it is to underestimate the height of vans, especially a gigantic van such as Big Blue. How many branches have I already hit, how many bushes have I smacked? I have yet to drive into a too-low roof or tunnel. Thankfully. Big Blue is 8 feet tall. There is a reason I named her BIG Blue!

So when my new solar guy came to look with his handy ladder I said, "I heard there is a scratch up there, but I've never had an opportunity to see it." He climbed the ladder, hesitated, looked and said, "Scratch? You think this is a scratch? What the hell happened? There is a large dent from the front of the van all the way to the back!" OMG! I felt bamboozled. I climbed the ladder and saw it for myself. The sweet family who sold me the van were so lovely and seemingly trustworthy! You can't trust anyone these days especially when they are trying to sell a vehicle!

It looks like someone half-assed repaired it. I doubt if they claimed it on insurance or the title wouldn't have been clean. My insurance agency definitely has no inkling of the damage. And it doesn't look like it is rusted, nor does it leak. Solar guy suggested before he installs solar panels, I should Rustoleum the top just to protect it so it doesn't start rusting. It's not like anyone can see the top anyway (see top photo - I never had a clue) and with the solar panels over, it'll be totally camouflaged. 

Like a fool I said, "Sure! I love to paint!" LOL! The top is a bit sunbleached anyway so I figured it couldn't hurt. 

I've never even been able to wash up there because I didn't have a ladder. Anticipating my project and future cleanings of roof-inhabiting solar panels, I immediately purchased one of those awesome telescopic ladders that collapses very small so it would fit in the van without taking up too much room. I took Big Blue to the car wash. The ladder is scary especially with all the pink, smelly, slippery suds of the car washing scrub brush. I was convinced I'd slip right off and break my neck, but I fearlessly, or rather scared shitlessly, persisted.

Because Big Blue is a few years old and has spent her life in Arizona, the bright blue paint job is a bit faded, I couldn't really find a blue that matched. I also didn't trust I could do a decent job having no experience with spray paint. Solar guy kept assuring me it doesn't matter. No one sees the top. Hmmm...well, if that's the case then why not have some fun and do a wild, multi-colored pattern? Flowers? I love flowers. I visited several auto supply stores and Home Depot to ask questions about paint, process and durability. I ended up buying a whole lot of colorful Rustoleum paint from a Home Depot that had really knowledgeable workers!

I was psyched, but terrified. I kept reminding myself, no one can see the top of the roof and it'll be covered with solar panels so stop worrying! I couldn't help it. Even if it ended up looking OK, I still might fall off the roof or the ladder out in the middle of a desert.

Next step sand the whole thing. Eeeewww. Not fun. I did it early one morning. Then I took it back to the car wash to wash all the dust off.

Next tape off the windows. Home Depot guys said the spray paint will float to places the windows. If I get spray paint on the windows, there is no way to get it off! Be sure not to compromise the safety features of the van, namely the lights front and back. So I taped. This was the WORST job of all! How do people tape cars so perfectly when they are painting the whole thing? I have no idea! Then I ran out of plastic garbage bags and couldn't very well go to the store with my van half taped! I visited one of my boondocking neighbors and offered to pay. She graciously gave me a few to finish the job. I still didn't have enough and just used old towels on the windshield.

By the time I was ready to paint, it was noon. You'd think 75 degrees wouldn't feel that hot, but on a vehicle it was scorching. I tried a few flower designs, but the surface as so hot the paint just seemed to melt. The colors were beautiful though! I decided to stop and wait until late afternoon.

I painted huge flowers because I wanted to outline them in black and I didn't trust my ability to do details with a spray can. I did echinacea, camelia, tiger lily, sunflower, forget-me-knots, salvia and one really ugly tulip that doesn't really look like a tulip. I tried filling in the background with the bright blue. It was OK. Then I attempted the front slope of the roof which only made the paint drip. Oops. (I plan to paint the front-above-the windshield with blue to fix that.) Here is an aerial view taken by my camp neighbor's remote control drone before the outlines were added:

I love how they pop so I'm happy I made them so big! (The campground I am staying at is a big RC airport where people come and fly their airplanes and drones.)

Then I fell off the hood of the van and skinned both calves painfully. The only reason this happened is I stepped not on the bumper, but on the front license plate frame which came unhinged. OUCH! I never thought I'd walk away unscathed. I was just fortunate I survived day one!

By this time I was exhausted and didn't trust I could do the outlines after waiting 30 minutes. I opted to wait for 48 hours which is the instruction on doing a second layer. And I needed a rest.

The whole day I was cursing, "I'm too old for this! What was I thinking!?" I vowed when I moved out of my house no more construction, no more climbing ladders, and no more gardening. So I took a break, went out in the blazing afternoon sun, and clipped some of the evil needle trees that scratch up my van. I am masochistic.

I waited the mandatory 48 hours to add another layer, or the black outlines and white highlights that I always do with all my art. BUT how to make skinny lines? During the wait, I experimented. Spray painting does not produce skinny lines. I got online to do some research and graffiti artists use "skinny caps", little caps you can put over the spray paint can nozzle for skinny lines. I searched, found an art store in Tucson. I had no hope they would carry "skinny caps" as I've never seen them before in my life and I have patronized too many art stores in my life. 

They did! They had a whole wall of spray paint and skinny caps! Welcome to the city! So I bought a set for about $3.99.

Then I'm told they might not fit my Rustoleum spray paint cans. No, they don't. I bought one Montana brand spray paint in black. I get it all back to my camping spot and experiment on some old cardboard Home Depot guy donated to the cause. Hmmm...there are no skinny lines to be had. In fact, all six of these "skinny caps" produce spray painted lines that are much thicker than the normal Rustoleum nozzle!! What a waste of money! What do I do? I can't have flowers with thick, black, ugly lines! It would overpower the color.

I did ask the art store guy if I could paint with spray paint using a brush. He said no as it would dry too fast. Well, we'll see! That's exactly what I did. I had a little plastic container and a brush, sprayed a puddle of spray paint into the container and PAINTED! It was really hard to control. Spray paint is NOT my preferred art media...besides the stink! Not great, but it worked fine:

Wow! Can't even see the dents and scratches! Love it!

My next step is to seal it and paint the front-above-windshield area.

It feels like a secret. If I'm positioned right and far enough away, I can see some of the roof with the overhanging leaves or petals. I wonder if anyone else can see there might be something up there. I also feel like I've made my mark on Big Blue, she's mine, and this proves it. I like it she's a little beat up, too, so I can experiment without fear. Most importantly, the roof is now protected from rust and it's time to solarize!!


Thursday, January 30, 2025


 Look at this:

WTH? Just this morning as I was freezing my ass off I told someone, "When I was planning to move to Tucson, I imagined I'd be wearing sandals everyday for the rest of my life! I'm freezing!" I was wearing a turtleneck and a Norwegian wool sweater. I actually threw away most of my cold-weather clothing in celebration of this life-changing transition.

I moved to get away from this weather!

I've been putting my tent out to hold my camping spot so when I come back from errands I know I still have it. Poor tent! It used to be waterproof so we'll see. Inside I put a plastic tote filled with gallons of water and laundry detergent. I also gathered a couple large rocks from the desert. This way if we also get monsoon winds, the tent won't fly away to join the herd of javelinas roaming free.

Then it felt cold, the wind kept shifting. As I'm laying in bed writing letters I look up and THERE IS SNOW IN THOSE HILLS!!! WTF?

No. No. And No. Can I go to Mexico?

The nice thing about the rain besides my sinuses don't feel so dry is the desert smells so good in the rain!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

My Monthly Luxury...and Planet

Today was the first day in over a month I had a shower! Yeah, sane or maybe civilized people would think that is crazy. I told my friend I was planning a shower and how long it had been and she said, "I could never live like that!" HA! At the Women's Rubber Tramp Rendezvous speakers at the "Personal Hygiene" presentation said not only do they get used to it, after a while they just don't care if they bath or not and they really don't care what others think (or smell!). I have found it doesn't bother me anymore. The first three weeks I thought I would crawl out of my skin as it felt so gummy and dirty. Now I don't even think about it.

But today, I spent an extraordinary amount of time under a nice, warm, clean-water shower! It was glorious. I was told about it from another van-dwelling woman. There are places like Pilot Truck Stop that have showers for $18.00. That's way out of my budget. Most van-dwellers have memberships at fitness clubs, but they are too smelly for me. I've heard aquatic centers (swimming pools) also have showers for the fee of a swim. About a month ago I visited City of Rocks in New Mexico and was surprised to find free showers there, too! They surmise if people hike around the "city", they might want to wash off the sweat. That shower was glorious, too.

This shower was at the Catalina State Park just north of Tucson. Pay the $7.00 day fee and the showers are located in the camping area. As I stood in awe of clean water pulsating on my body, I reminisced on how I used to take up to four baths at day when I had a house. I really took all that luxury for granted!

More importantly, since arriving in Tucson I have not been able to find Planet Dishwashing Liquid. If you've been reading my posts since the beginning of this blog, you know since becoming chemically sensitive, I have been using Planet Dishwashing Liquid for EVERYTHING: bathing, washing floors, washing cars, washing dishes (!) and most importantly, washing my hair. Several friends and relatives have wondered if it would damage my hair, but after twenty years, I don't see a problem.

What do I do without Planet? I bought ECO dishwashing liquid and it was horrifying leaving my hair stringy and dirty looking. I bought some bulk non-toxic shampoo at the co-op in New Mexico, but in a not so sealed container it was a mess. It also just made my hair feel saturated in some kind of film and flat.

After searching two states, I finally found Planet at the Food Conspiracy, Tucson's downtown food co-op! I washed my hair and OMG! it makes my hair feel so clean and healthy! It's no longer as flat as it was! I really hope Planet isn't going out of business...maybe they've just reduced distribution in Arizona? It has gotten really, really expensive, but for me, it's well worth it!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Energy Hogs

Van life is a whole different mindset! I've never in my life have I considered how many watts I use, or the voltage, or the amps. Honestly, although I sat in on a solar class at Quartzsite and these terms were explained, it all went right over my head! However, my life is now consumed by wattage!


The Bluetti is Big Blue's power source and it gets its energy by one of three options: 1) being plugged into the cigarette lighter when Big Blue is running, 2) into a power outlet, or 3) solar-powered with portable solar panels. When I plug an electrical appliance, laptop, or cell phone (AC, DC or USB) into the Bluetti, I can see how many watts it is using. If the object uses too many watts, the Bluetti is drained in no time. The mantra of experienced van dwellers is "MAKE SURE IT IS 12 VOLTS! DO NOT GET 110!" I'm learning.

Heaters and air conditioners are problematic because they are energy hogs. The first one I bought was sucking about 800 watts. It was returned. The second one was given to me...1200 watts! The Bluetti was drained to only 20% in only 20 minutes! OK! Now I'm starting to understand. If my energy is drained, it's way more work to charge it back up and if I don't, I might have no access to power!  Most people get propane or butane-fueled heaters, but those are toxic to me so that is not an option. (I'm finding my only option to be warm might be Mexico....)

My standard, everyday lamp is low wattage and clocks in at about 30 watts. For a little ambient light, that's worth it. There are battery-operated and solar-powered lights, lanterns, and flashlights available, but I've been trying to use what I have to avoid spending too much money.

However, I've purchased strings of solar lights I call my "rat lights". For $9.99 at Harbor Freight they are well-worth the price. Two of the strands go under Big Blue at night to deter the destructive pack rats, but I had an extra strand that I use INSIDE the van. 

If I turn on their blinking function, it's like a disco! When the sun goes down, Big Blue becomes a disco van! 

My first cooking appliance was the rice cooker on the advice of a girl truck driver. "You can cook a ham in it!" I was sold. Not that I ever eat ham, but if it can cook a ham, its capabilities are endless! The rice cooker uses about 300 watts. Too much. A meal will delete the Bluetti about 30% which isn't bad. Again, most people prefer toxic propane or butane-fueled cooking appliances because the fuel is cheap, accessible and easy to use.

Then someone highly recommended an induction cooktop. They are not cheap, but I was craving real food. The Nuwave Flex Precision Induction Cooktop runs $108.68 with tax. I waffled (pun intended) when I was told it is an energy hog, but I threw all caution to the wind and bought one anyway. I didn't realize one needs special pro-induction pans or it won't work. I discovered cast iron pans are compatible! (I'm so glad I never got rid of my cast iron cookware!) OMG! This was a game changer! Here is my first meal on the induction cook top. It was the first time in months I felt like a real person eating real food!

Just as I was enjoying this tasty meal, sitting on the sidestep of my van, gazing upon the beautiful views of the Catalinas, a herd of javelinas came frolicking for my viewing pleasure. They (6?) were about fifty feet away, but still gave me a fright since I was told they can be vicious especially if they have babies. There were babies. They are definitely one of the ugliest creatures on the planet, big hairy hogs with fangs. (Is it any wonder the psychopathic landlady thought they were cute?) I was told normally one smells them first, but I received no stink warning. They stayed on the outskirts never crossing the cement. Had they started charging, I would have slammed my door shut faster than one could yell, "ENERGY HOG!" (You can barely see them in the center of the photo rummaging through some sticks. Sorry. My camera has a weak zoom in feature.) I had planned to go for a nice walk after dinner. Ah, no, not tonight!

Just as I was feeling a little disappointed the javelinas didn't charge across the cement and dive for my delicious dining experience, a loner javelina appeared not ten feet away from my van! Holy Mackerel!

He circled my van, always staying in the desert never walking on the cement, then disappeared off into the sunset. It was quite exciting. Yes, I closed my van door and worried he'd maul the towel I had drying outside.

The next night as I prepared another fabulous meal on my Nuwave with the door wide open, I constantly surveyed the desert behind me watching for big black blobs approaching in the night. 

The Adventures of Big Blue continue...

Quartzsite, Rubber Tramp Rendezvous for Everyone! 2025

The Rubber Tramp Rendezvous continued the day after the Women's Rubber Tramp Rendezvous ended. There was definitely a different vibe and a lot more people! I wanted to hear the presentations on Alaska which covered driving through Canada, Mexico, and "Solar Basics". 

I spent the morning volunteering only because I woke up in the middle of the night and didn't have much to do. First they assigned me in the coffee shack, but it seems I was just an extra person in the way even though I was the only one cleaning the counters. 

Then they assigned me to help with the name buttons. Now that is more my style! I got to write names on buttons and meet a lot of people. This went well for about two hours until a stinker pushed her way up along side me and demanded to stand where I was standing. I find people bathed in stink to be self-centered and obnoxiously thoughtless anyway, but this was also her personality. I refused to move so she slithered up to the other side of me way too close. I didn't want to give up my awesome volunteer position. At one point she screwed up the button using 2024 instead of 2025 and the button makers gave it back to me. I gave it back to her. She screamed at me, "It's done!" and proceeded to give it to the button makers. I retrieved it, handed it to her and said, "Look at the date." I'd had it with her and I was starting to feel lousy so I asked the lead to place me somewhere else. I went to the free table. Not as fun, but I did get first look at the freebies coming in. I got two new pairs of pants and two beautiful plates that would fit perfectly in my kitchen storage bin. I was sick for the rest of the day and all night. 

The next day they had another Open House and I saw all kinds of amazing van builds with the most intricate storage and organizational systems!

I realized I was out of food. I could drive to Parker for more substandard junky-type gluten-free food, but I decided to leave. I really wanted to see the Mexico presentation, but that would mean hanging around for four more days until it was scheduled. I was hungry.