Van life can be dangerous especially if one (like me) has no idea what one (like me) is doing! Someone was telling me they saw the shell of a van on a highway totally incinerated. I wonder what happened? Did she drop the Bluetti which would explode? Was the wiring faulty or the wires used too small unable to handle the electrical currents? My solar guy told me I should not be using any kind of extension cord or power strips unless I want a fire. Who would have known? I've been using both for cooking for months!
My Ford Transit passenger van used to be...wait for it...a passenger van! I think it originally came with twelve seats. All but four seats I removed - two in the front and two in the back serving as a lounge or couch. Safety regulations requires air bags along the sides of the van to protect passengers. When I attempted to fast talk my insurance agent into believing it was no longer a passenger van, but a cargo van with no capacity for carrying passengers, she required I send photos. I assured her as someone who is chemically sensitive, no one would be along for the ride in my van and I wouldn't be picking up smelly hitchhikers.
When I gutted the van removing the horrid fiberglass interior shell that was shedding creepy fiber particles in the air making it hard to breathe, never mind the accumulated dirt and dust they harbored, it exposed the side curtain air bags. Fascinating, but ugly. A friend did ask, "Are those curtains?" Really? Do you think I'd hang curtains so ugly?
But check out the TORPEDOES! That doesn't even look safe!
I debated for a long time if I should remove the air bags. Lots of discussion online with people stating keep them for safety. It seems most vans in an accident are hit on the side and an air bag might save my life. I thought, Well, if I ever go over a cliff, I'd be happy for the air bags. Note to self: don't drive over a cliff.
Some people clearly had no confidence I would be able to do it correctly. Why? Because I'm a woman? Or just because they know I don't know what I'm doing most of the time. I admit the learning curve remains very steep.
Others said they are not needed in a cargo or camper van. Most who buy passenger vans to convert them as campers, remove them. Solar guy said he'd worry they'd deploy while I was sleeping. But WHY would they deploy when I'm sleeping and how would that be dangerous? The van would fill with air bags. Would it suffocate me? Knock me out? When they were covered by the fiberglass shell, I would think getting hit by that hard wall would be more hazardous! Solar guy said they just look dangerous, like bombs. Yep.
There was some discussion if they are removed, insurance wouldn't cover anything if in an accident. So I called my insurance agent with a "hypothetical" question. She said the insurance adjusters would see I removed them and deduct the cost of air bags from my loss. I looked online. Brand new they are about $500 and used people are trying to sell them for about $200. I read they don't sell that easily.
Personally, regardless of various reasons for safety, I thought they were ugly. The torpedoes look dangerous. The bags look like bad decorating. Wires, tape, screws all over. They aren't meant to be seen. I would like more metal exposed so I can use hanging magnets or cover the sides with fabric or real curtains.
So I searched for air bag removal instructions and viewed as many videos as I could find. Oddly enough, only one actually showed details on how to dismantle them. The rest were just like this post, "I did it, oops, I forgot to take a video!" I totally understand as when it comes time to put one's life on the line and dismantle what might explode, videoing was my last thought. I know this isn't the case for everyone as some live for the video!
Here's what I did:
1) Order air bag simulators. You'll need four. You can find them online priced from $25 to $5 for four. I opted for the $5 price because I am cheap and at the time I was still waffling on whether to remove air bags or not. I figured I could lose $5 if I changed my mind.
2) You'll need a flat screwdriver and some kind of wrench. Don't ask me what size. It would have been easier with the proper tools, but I just used a plain old wrench. You'll also want some electrical tape to cover the exposed negative battery terminal and to tape the simulator to the component just to be sure it doesn't work it's way out.3) Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery and let the van sit disconnected with no power from ten minutes to one hour depending on which article you read. What this does is clear the electricity throughout the system so the air bags don't accidentally deploy. It also clears the dashboard air bag warning light.
In my Ford Transit, the battery is under the driver's seat. Move the seat as far forward as possible. There is a fabric cover, lift it and tie it out of the way. Some videos show removing all the metal and plastic covers, but the right side of my battery was covered with a little plastic door easily removed. There is one bolt. Loosen and remove the bolt - it all stays together and just lift. Put electrical tape on the components so it doesn't connect from just sitting close by. Try turning ignition key. If it's dead, the van won't start and all the lights are off. I then let it sit for one hour just to be safe because I am neurotic or just conscientious. I don't want to die....
4) The scary part: On the end of each torpedo there is the wiring and a component.
5) The hard part: Start removing the screws holding the whole air bag system to the wall of the van. The screws are tight! It took me about two hours. I very carefully moved the torpedoes. They are also being held in place with metal hinges (I don't know if I'm describing that correctly) so you can leave them in place until the very end, then lift up and out. I did not remove the headliner to get behind it and just cut off the air bag. (Maybe another day. Videos on removing the headliner with the electrical components looked way too complicated.) When totally detached, fold up the air bag with the torpedoes carefully and remove from van. I still wasn't sure they wouldn't explode.
Hooray! I didn't blow up anything and my van is not a post-fire shell of black burn.
A much cleaner look. The ugly is gone.