Friday, December 8, 2023



When people visit my house I expect them to remove their shoes before entering. This has been a lifelong practice because I grew up on a farm. Tracking mud and cow manure into the house would have gotten me killed back in the day after I would be expected to wash all the floors. Even though I don't live on a farm now, I still live in an area of the country where it rains constantly, mud is a daily phenonmenon, and I still hate cleaning floors.

Being chemically sensitive adds a twist. After reading about all the toxic garbage we track into our houses on our feet: herbicides, pesticides, dog shit, cat shit, gasoline, motor oil and any number of chemicals left on sidewalks, streets, and grassy lawns, I felt justified in my practice.

Trying to tell this to my visitors starts a war. They argue non-stop, often right through the visit. I offer clean slippers or socks in place of shoes, but they still argue. They demand reasons only as a delay tactic as after I give them reasons, they continue to argue. I have been told I am a failure at hospitality. Even after I've said removing shoes is a common tradition in Asian households, I've been told sarcastically, "Well, I'm not Asian."

I finally gave up. Some of my friends are no longer allowed at my house. New friends are warned in advance. If they don't want to remove their shoes, then don't come over. 

Then there are the people who come over, very willing to remove their shoes, but they aren't wearing socks. Sorry, I don't want anyone's sweaty, fungal feet on my floors. One of my friends started arguing about how it's good for her feet to be barefoot on my floors. Ah, no. Gross. Or people with socks dirtier than their shoes. Ah, no. Really gross. Put the damn slippers on! 

My final strategy designed to communicate my rule clearly is to hang a large sign on my door "REMOVE YOUR FUCKING SHOES!" I hope that's clear. I hope they can read. I have no confidence this sign will do the trick. It's easier to just avoid visitors with filthy feet who often stink.

There is no winning. It's better not to invite people over for a visit.

I recently came across an article that was totally vindicating entitled "The Dirty Truth About Taking Your Shoes Off at the Door" link HERE

Even in the comments, everyone is arguing!!

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