Thursday, January 30, 2025


 Look at this:

WTH? Just this morning as I was freezing my ass off I told someone, "When I was planning to move to Tucson, I imagined I'd be wearing sandals everyday for the rest of my life! I'm freezing!" I was wearing a turtleneck and a Norwegian wool sweater. I actually threw away most of my cold-weather clothing in celebration of this life-changing transition.

I moved to get away from this weather!

I've been putting my tent out to hold my camping spot so when I come back from errands I know I still have it. Poor tent! It used to be waterproof so we'll see. Inside I put a plastic tote filled with gallons of water and laundry detergent. I also gathered a couple large rocks from the desert. This way if we also get monsoon winds, the tent won't fly away to join the herd of javelinas roaming free.

Then it felt cold, the wind kept shifting. As I'm laying in bed writing letters I look up and THERE IS SNOW IN THOSE HILLS!!! WTF?

No. No. And No. Can I go to Mexico?

The nice thing about the rain besides my sinuses don't feel so dry is the desert smells so good in the rain!

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