Tuesday, July 31, 2012

X-Ray Vision

Can you count how many times you've been to the doctor and leave with no hope? Feeling like your body is betraying you? Falling apart? Wondering, good lord, what is the next thing to go? More bad news? Will it never stop?

I went to the eye doctor yesterday. He said repeatedly I am very lucky to have better than outstanding vision. Others would kill for my healthy eyes. He even got out these weird little lenses and showed me how other people see. Really?! I am lucky. He even said as we get older our eyes deteriorate. Cataracts develop and get worse requiring surgery. Macular degeneration befalls most of us. If you have diabetes, good luck. But my eyes...a gift from the gods.  Amen.

St. Lucy is the patron saint of vision. I know this because I majored in art history in college. Lucy was the one who held a plate with her eyeballs in it. Very cool. While taking a Renaissance Art History course, I visited relatives who had a one-eyed kitten.  Her name was One Eye. This relative wasn't very imaginative when it came to naming pets. She was such a pretty kitten with an incredibly ugly name. I felt she needed a better start to life so I renamed her Lucy after her patron saint. I am reminded of this story on my day of eye-health gratitude.

How often have I received good news from a health professional? I am going to revel in its glory for at least a week and remind myself daily about how lucky I am! I feel like a superhero.


  1. Wow! Superman's eyes you must have! Haha! Eversince I have gone on this abstinence lifestyle, my eyesight improved tremendously. I was told that I am very lucky. I think it's the abstinence from the chemicals and fresh food and healthy lifestyle that is allowing our body to heal. :) Am so happy for you!

    1. I asked the doctor what I'm doing right. He said the fact that I always wear sunglasses helps. My eyelashes and eyebrows are blonde so I don't have natural shading - I must wear sunglasses or my eyes hurt horribly.

      I think a good diet lacking in chemicals helps us avoid a whole lotta health problems. Too bad more people don't realize it.

  2. Congrats! My eyes were good too but I worry the steroids might've affected them...I wonder if there's any relation between our issues and good eyesight....How were the smells at the optometrist?

    1. Yeah, drugs will affect your eyes. I hadn't been in to this doc for a while and his office person had me fill out a form. I told her nothing had changed and she asked if I was on any new medication or supplements. Don't know about steroids, though. The most unhealthy people I know take massive amounts of vitamins...hmmm...

      No smells at the optometrist. I only go to fragrance-free places and scope them out in advance. I had been to him before and he doesn't do well with scents either so he doesn't wear them. Hooray!

  3. I wear sunglasses all the time too.

    1. I always worry what wearing sunglasses will do to my health, vision or other. I wonder if it contributes to vitamin D deficiency? It's such an unnatural thing to shield your eyes from the sun, and a modern invention, of course.
