Friday, October 5, 2012

Drinking Coffee Will Make You Blind

Blindness was always a threat if you were doing something really sinful, like masturbating. Drinking coffee is evil as it is linked to all kinds of health issues. Try telling that to a coffee addict. If they are experiencing a bit of withdrawal, talk fast and run faster. Caffeine fiends don't like it when you threaten their addictions.

I just read this article, "Popular Drink Linked to Vision Loss" and it made me once again thankful I don't drink coffee. It says if you drink up to three cups a day, you could be at risk for blindness! Whoa! That's a lot of people going blind. I wonder if Starbucks is aware of these studies? Would they care?

Maybe this is why I have superhero vision, comparatively speaking?

The patron saint of coffee drinkers is Saint Drogo. I vote they oust him and use Saint Lucy, the patron saint of vision, for divine guidance here. She could have a cup of coffee sitting on the platter along side her eyeballs.

Here is the article for those who want more information other than my sarcasm...

For more of my opinions on coffee see my post entitled, "Coffee and Caffeine Addictions: Brad Pitt is a Coke Head".


  1. Replies
    1. It constantly amazes me how trusting we are as consumers. If it's approved as food, we think it's safe no matter what.
