Sunday, February 23, 2014

One Year Closer to Death

Birthdays used to be fun. Lots of gooey cake with loads of frosting and candles, ice cream, presents, cards, balloons and parties full of stinky people. They sometimes signified momentous occasions like getting a driver's license, being able to vote, or do some legal drinking. Now they just mark time. And they come faster. Still, it's not good to wallow in self-pity and wonder where the years went feeling like my life is over when in fact, I've only lived half of it.

So I celebrated by buying myself some new BIRTHDAY SLIPPERS! Healthier than cake and ice cream and cheaper than plastic surgery.

There is nothing more cheerful than new birthday slippers with cheerful, artsy designs on them.  These are from the Haflinger collection and the style is called Calypso. Perfect name for the design because they are happy slippers made for dancing! So new and just out of the box they still have tags on them.

Here is a photo with my feet in them feeling happy:


I ordered them off the Zappos website. I so rarely order anything online for fear of screw ups, but the shoe store I normally go to didn't have my size or my normal color. In fact it didn't have hardly any sizes and only one color! With all wood and tile floors in my house, I need slippers to provide cushion to my feet. Most brands are made out of synthetic petro-based materials and manufactured in China. Chinese slippers make my feet sweat uncomfortably and if I'm ever caught in a house fire, they would melt on my feet. Gross.

Haflingers are Polish and made from natural boiled wool, not sprayed or treated, non-smelly without any chemicals, warm, and so comfortable. The last pair I bought were Haflingers, too. They had hard soles so I could walk around outside if I wanted. Well, I never go outside with them because I have no desire to contaminate the inside of my house with outside dirt. Unfortunately, those hard soles were noisy and left black marks all over my floors so I was hoping to find something less high maintenance.

Although the store failed miserably at making a sale, I feel very fortunate. I came home, got online and found them not only in my color, but in these wild colors! And this wild design doesn't have hard soles instead nice soft-ish ones with skid dots.

For those of you who might be interested in buying all wool slippers, they do wear out especially in the toes. My old ones are about three years old and they lasted that long only because I kept sewing the holes closed.

Thankfully I live alone or I'd be embarrassed! HA!
I normally wear my dark wool socks with them so the holes aren't as noticeable, but even socks won't help now that the holes are so big. The slippers were practically falling off me. I considered patching them up and then decided I deserved new, happy, birthday feet! Sometimes you just have to treat yourself!
On top of all that these were about $15.00 cheaper online and no shipping fees. It only took them four days to arrive just time for my very own personal holiday. The order asked me if I wanted to include a message with my package and I thought, WHY NOT? My message was:


It makes one year closer to death a little easier to take.

Now I want some matching pajamas and bathrobe....strawberry colored.


  1. Happy birthday friend!! The slippers are GorGEOUS. I love them. Wool makes me itch, but I could wear them with socks. Beautiful. I read this morning, that we believe what we tell ourselves more than we believe anything else. So keep those b'day wishes coming. Lots of hugs. And stop with the dismal speak to yourself.

  2. Thank you for the birthday wishes! But I disagree, I'm not dismal speaking to myself because I'm doing the Secret everyday even when it feels like lying. Compared to how I'm really feeling about birthdays and life in general, I am sounding exceptionally cheerful and positive in this post! I'm mean look at all those exclamation points!!!! The problem with faking it is after a while you get the feeling no one is listening or caring. Expressing yourself honestly every now and then is healthy communication.
