Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snow and Frostbite

I still don't have a centralized heating system that keeps my whole house warm so I'm wrapping myself in my 30-degree-below-zero sleeping bag to keep from getting frostbite. We've had a cold spell here this last week. Very little humidity, dry, cold, and windy bringing the temperatures back down into the teens. But not today! It warmed up just long enough to snow!

I love snow. I'd love it more if I had heat. I think I'll have to cave and get some heat next week. I was hoping I could move instead, but that's not going to be happening. It's supposed to rain tomorrow.


  1. Replies
    1. Heating is the same, still using the little EdenPure and if it gets really cold I crank up the wall heaters in the upstairs bedrooms. BUT today my house is 68 degrees! The warmest it's been since September so I just might make it through the winter without freezing.
