Saturday, March 24, 2018

Dirty Genes

I just read Ben Lynch's book Dirty Genes. He believes controlling the genetic expression of gene mutations (or SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms) is done with diet, stress management, adequate sleep, exercise, and avoiding toxic chemicals. He identifies seven genetic expressions that are either born dirty or act dirty and how each one contributes to a person's personality as well as their overall health. He doesn't think genetic testing is necessary as you can determine which genes are dirty by symptoms. Once you identify which genes are problematic, he describes the good and the bad characteristics for each in detail and tells you how to clean them up. Like laundry. LOL!

Although all the genes work together and interact cohesively, the one gene I found fascinating was the GST which is responsible for chemical detoxification. If this one is dirty, then the person is screwed...or...chemically sensitive. It manages your glutathione levels which control your detoxification levels. Did you know the overproduction of hydrogen peroxide in your body makes your hair go gray? Reverse the hydrogen peroxide levels, and your hair color will return. That was fascinating! And stay away from the herbicide Roundup. It screws with your estrogen levels and overproduction of estrogen creates all kinds of disease. Recently I learned overproduction of estrogen is thought to cause Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It never surprises me how this is all interconnected. I enjoy getting new pieces of the puzzle.

It was amazingly informative. Some new facts and actions to take for my specific gene mutations include: don't eat leftovers as they create histamine, don't overeat as it negatively affects glutathione levels and methylation processes, avoid fermented foods which are another source of too much histamine, don't eat too much protein and eat only three meals a day, no small scattered meals or snacking. I love new information.

My favorite theory (mantra) is "NO PILLS FOR ILLS". He is all about avoiding supplements! So rare! But he believes if one must take supplements to support a condition, it's important to know when to stop or when they are no longer needed. Supplements are drugs. Taking them too long creates more health issues. He's all about healing with diet and lifestyle. Love it!

Excellent book. Highly recommend it.

Image result for dirty genes ben lynch
Yes, I stole this image off the internet,  from specifically.
I figure I'm promoting the book so all is good.
If not, then let me know and I'll
remove it.

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