Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Pantry Shrine

Taking a photo of my dehydrator next to the opening to my pantry reminded me to show the beaded curtain I finally finished!

 After working on making even more beads to add to my collection from last winter, I finally had enough, but barely. That door frame is very tall! It could still stand to be another foot longer, but I'm too tired of beading. Such a long process demanding much patience which I am lacking. My beaded partition is good enough for now. I'll take a break and perhaps at another time I'll attempt to make another hundred beads.

Love the turquoise beads. Actually, I love all the colors. There are three different purples, four different pinks, two blues, two greens, only one, lovely turquoise color, and about ten white beads thrown in to match the white trim of the room plus the off-white bamboo tube beads that match the off-white trim of the kitchen. Close ups:

The pantry is still being used as a shrine. I have no desire to get it dirty or scratch it up. I've made art for it, in matching colors. HA! This is The Bunnysattva of Binkies:

A "binky" is what they call it when a rabbit jumps straight up in the air and twists. It's how they play when they are happy. A "half binky" is when they shake their head like a mini-twist and sometimes they will raise up a little, but they are sitting or standing still. Peter does that all the time. It means he's happy to see me, but he's too fat to jump. He didn't start doing it until I had him about six months. At first I thought something was wrong with him, like ear mites or an ear infection. I got online and discovered the world of bunny binkies. Such a happy thing. I wanted something happy in my pantry shrine.

...And something needed to hang from those pegs, but because I have such an aversion to putting anything in this room that isn't part of the color scheme and design, I decided to custom create it. I used a piece of scrap wood for the base because I didn't have any small canvases. I have lots of these little scrap wood pieces. The dimensions are 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 1 so it has a three-dimensional quality which prompted me to give the sides some design.

It's different, but the cool thing is it can stand up on a shelf or counter. This inspires me.

I think I just found my new winter project!


  1. You should be an interior designer or part-time house contractor! I bet many will hire you to redecorate their house!!!

    1. Yeah, but I can't go into people's houses with all their air fresheners, scented candles, cleaning products and personal stink products. Heck, I can't go near most people! I have bad construction karma and if I were smarter, I would stay away from paint, too! I'm just hoping when it comes time to sell this house, people will want to buy it!

  2. I LOVE the bunnysattva and the beads too. It is a shrine for sure. An Etsy store? or maybe better just as pleasure!

  3. I LOVE your bunnysattva and your beads too. It's a shrine for sure. An Etsy store? or maybe better just as pleasure!
