Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Operation: Snowflake

I've been researching Snowflake: talking to people on the phone and through email, learning all I can about what to expect. The good, bad, and the ugly. I'm paying close attention to the ugly, and being hopeful for the good in light of the fact there is no perfectly safe place in the universe, but cautious because I know how bad it can get. The Moldy Landlady experience was a wake-up call and not quickly forgotten. I've been in contact with some people who are selling their safe homes or selling their trailers. There was one place for rent, but I missed it. Since I won't rent anything sight unseen and I can't pick up travel 1,500 miles very quickly, I fear I will be missing many opportunities. This is the disadvantage of considering remote locations.

I found a new website that gives helpful advice for MCS/EI people. It has all kinds of different articles on living with chemical and electromagnetic sensitivity.

I especially loved the articles on safe house plans and experiments although the whole idea of working with contractors scares the hell out of me and much of their advice gives me no comfort, only reminders of my bad construction karma. Check out the article "A Cozy House in the Mountains" by Andrew Erikson located under the subtopic "Healthy Houses." I would love to live in that house. I wish there were indoor photographs.
Under "Arizona Local Area" there is a whole section on Snowflake.

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