Friday, December 12, 2014

Things I Learned This Week...

1.) Farting is good for you. It's caused by gut bacteria doing their jobs. I always thought it was a symptom of something not working right.

2.) MCS is thought to be an autoimmune response, or your body attacking the stored toxic chemicals and heavy metals in your fat and organs. Whoa! I KNEW IT! I've been saying this for years. Finally I found a doctor that agrees!

3.) Gargling makes your brain work better.

4.) Dogs are susceptible to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis because of the gluten in their chemically-saturated commercial dog food. I wonder if people know when their dog is showing symptoms or if they think he's just getting old and lazy? How sad. I can't imagine being a dog, feeling so miserable you can't move, and not being able to help yourself.

5.) Lipstick usage is connected to lupus.

6.) People with brain degeneration in the cerebellum area can feel sick from looking at patterns. They are also prone to motion sickness.

7.) Jesus was not a historical person. He's totally fiction. There is absolutely no historical documentation that he ever existed. This is mind boggling to me. Although I do believe Christianity is a outdated cult based on ignorant superstition, I always thought Jesus was a really cool rebellious dude who really lived. One theory is the Romans made him up to control the Jewish revolts of the time. Amazing what we are taught to believe as children and we accept without question as adults.

8.) Chelation should not be done by anyone with chemical sensitivities or autoimmune issues as it forces the heavy metals into your brain and may cause permanent damage. It will make you sicker. When you do get sicker, doctors will often tell you it's just your system detoxing. Nope. That's a lie. I KNEW IT! I've also been saying this for years having been an IV technician who used to administer chelation treatments in a former life. The stuff they pump into your veins smells putrid and unsafe. I'd never put it in my body no matter how many miracle cures are promised to me!