Friday, October 30, 2015

I Have TILT?

Or is it:

I am TILTed?

I feel TILTed?

TILTed I am?

I just read this great article on chemical sensitivity called Allergic to Life .  It was written a couple years ago but addresses gene mutations that might contribute to chemical sensitivity and brain scans that show evidence of physiological changes when exposed to poisons. I like that it indicates some progress is being made with research even if it's just this one person.

The researcher's ultimate goal is that doctors become more aware and educated so they understand how to identify those with chemical sensitivities and, therefore, provide better care. The article also addresses the naysayers who believe it's all mental which, of course, causes so much controversy it stops medical community acceptance right in its tracks. My cynical self thinks breaking through the narrow-mindedness is impossible.

And then there is the electric shock therapy some claim "cure" MCS. Whoa! I can't wait to sign up for some of that!

Of course, it's time for another terminology change. No longer Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Environmental Illness, or Sick Building Syndrome,  it's now called "Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance" or TILT. Like a pinball game? Hmmm...MCS survival is a bit of a game. Does this mean I have to change my blog name to TILT Survivor? Maybe "TILTed". I like that. It expresses how I feel most of the time.

If the abbreviated link above doesn't work at any point in time, here is the actual link:


  1. I like the image of the mistreated pinball machine. I remember getting the Tilt message!

  2. That's exactly why I am TILTed Mom! I think it is a better description of what happened to me and how I feel.

    1. Hello Amy! I'm so glad you found me and now I have found your blog! I look forward to reading about your TILT-edness.
