Friday, November 7, 2014

Block Paintings

As you may recall from a post over a year ago, I had a creative epiphany when attempting to find something to hang in my newly remodeled pantry-now-shrine. I found some old pieces of 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 wood cut from larger boards and decided I needed to paint something to match the colors of my pantry. I used low VOC interior house paint as it's less toxic. I also thought small art would go well in a tiny house since there isn't much room to decorate. The Bunnysattva of Binkies was born. The pantry is still serving as a shrine. I can't seem to bring myself to put pantry things in it. The shelves and new tile counter are too pretty to cover.

What I really loved about these wood pieces is they were three dimensional so they could be either hung on a wall or displayed on a shelf. I love patterns and this afforded me the pleasure of adding designs to the sides.

Well, it took me over a year to make another only this time I got the urge to hang something from the bottom surface. I love beads and trinkets and the three-dimensionality calls for something extra. I had little shells from the ocean, beads from past projects, and lots of crystals from a chandelier I dismantled. Of course, this removes the option of sitting on a shelf. This is Sand Dollar:

I like the sides on this one: waves and starfish.

I did another using an African geometric motif. I wanted it to match the colors in my bedroom (aqua) and in my little room (dark pink).


With a geometric design that wouldn't have a specific orientation it could sit on a shelf, upside down with the doo-dads hanging down.

I'm not sure if I like it as it covers up the face design and makes the doo-dads difficult to see, but it is an option should your walls not work.

I'm still experimenting. It entertains me. Any ideas?

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