Friday, February 10, 2012


Or more importantly, why not you? Why are some people more sensitive to everyday chemicals and others not? There are many theories: some valid...some not so valid.

Most American Medical Association doctors will tell you it's a psychological condition. Yes, you're just crazy and you are causing this yourself.  They don't even need to tell you - you can see it in their eyes and their attitude. You WILL feel insane if you see too many of these "professionals" who are locked within the confines of their narrow minds and corporate boys' club mentality. Reading I might be insane, I spent too many days sitting in perfumed rooms or around smelly people trying to "heal" myself and re-train my brain into thinking there was no problem. I rationalized if it's all mental then I have control. My job was at risk along with my health and I was willing to accept any theory as long as it would help me. I would have done anything to fix it. I practiced visualization and mind control techniques while breathing in the poisons. Yes, I was fine, I told myself, until my lungs would stop working and I would run gasping to the nearest exit. Needless to say, mind over matter didn't work. It's not a mental condition.

I have heard some people have been told God is punishing them. This is so ignorant I can't even comment on it.

My favorite reason for being chemically mother's cousin told me it was because I was not married. She was a 75 year old retired nurse so this was a variation on the American Medical Association's insanity theory. She was also not married so I'm not exactly sure of her reasoning, but she had been married so I guess she must have thought she was better than me.

Most of your friends and relatives will tell you, for lack of a better idea and no understanding, they think it's your immune system not doing its job. This would make sense as our immune systems should guard us against illness, but this is not necessarily the case.  In fact, my immune system is hypersensitive and overactive. I was asked by an environmental specialist who was assessing my condition, "Are you sick all the time, or not at all?" Not at all. In fact I remember the day my whole system went into high alert. I could smell every tiny bit of lotion, shampoo, soap, and fragrance on each person who came within five feet of me. Whoa! It was surreal and shocking. My reaction time went from fifteen minutes or so to one breath of toxic air.  My immune system is working overtime trying to warn and protect me which is what our bodies are designed to do. Although inconvenient and at times frightening, I don't see it as a faulty immune system. I believe this is why people who have other health issues become chemically sensitive. Our bodies become defensive as they try to protect and heal themselves.  I haven't had a cold, flu or sore throat for eleven years. One of few benefits of being chemically sensitive.

In addition, research indicates some chemically sensitive might have damaged or missing enzymes that would normally allow us to detox the chemicals out of our bodies. Instead of flushing out naturally, they are stored until we are overloaded. The overloading creates the poisoning. Reducing this load is the primary goal of most MCS patients.

Research programs for MCS are hindered, especially university research, because most of it is financed by chemical companies, and well, chemical companies won't be funding any studies that might affect their bottom line. Until there is more research, we won't clearly understand why some people are extremely sensitive to everyday chemicals and others not.

What reasons have you been given?


  1. Doctors: I don't know what is wrong with you.

    Idiots: You have sinned somewhere along the line.

    Idiots: Maybe it is all in your mind.

    Idiots: Maybe it is because you are not praying enough.

    Idiots: Maybe it is because you do not have enough faith.

    Idiots: What did you do wrong in life?

    Immunologist: It is because of an episode where the body went into overdrive because of severe stress and the immune system was at its weakest point and BOOM shit happened!

    I agree with the immunologist.

  2. HAHAHAHA I agree with the immunologist, too. I think stress is a killer and it creates acid which acts just like a chemical in your body. Are you sick a lot? I've heard it can go either way - never sick or always sick depending on what kind of chemical sensitivity you have. Did the immunologist offer any good remedies for this? Some ways of cleaning out your body and strengthening the immune system?

    1. I think I have become healthier ever since I was struck with Idiopathic Anaphylaxis. The body is able to ward off sickness better than before. But I do still fall sick here and there. I would love to have your record of 11 years of not catching cold/flu virus/bugs!

      He said to be happy, do not worry and try to be as stress-free as possible. That way the immune system will be able to cope better and one day we could even be healed of this!!!! :)

  3. I've been relatively stress free for five years now, but I don't think my situation is stress-induced. My health and tolerance have improved but only because I've isolated myself and without the constant, serious exposures, I don't get the severely weird symptoms anymore. I did go to a movie over the holidays with very little discomfort, but I didn't detect any heavy perfumes or scents. It was nice to feel like a normal person again even though I thought I'd go crazy with the crackling of candy wrappers and the lip-smacking chewing all around me through the movie! UGH!
