Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Coffee and Caffeine Addictions: Brad Pitt is a Coke Head

Recently I read Brad Pitt gets his six kids out of bed by tempting them with Coke. I was really disappointed. For some reason I thought if you are willing to have six kids, most of them adopted, be constantly in the spotlight with your parenting skills being scrutinized daily by the media, you'd at least TRY be a good parent. Or TRY not to brag about your stupidity to the press. He struck me as smarter than the average air-head actor. I am blinded by his beauty, I guess. There really needs to be licensing requirements to have kids. He drugs his kids to get them moving. I wonder how they will function as they get older? I know this type of parenting stupidity is normal with people feeding their children all kinds of sugar/caffeine junk food in the morning, but I question what kinds of health issues develop if one starts drinking caffeine as a child? Is Coke a childhood precursor to Mountain Dew? Mountain Dew to coffee? Coffee to Five Hour Energy? When does the addiction escalation end?

I've been lucky. My mother didn't allow her children caffeinated drinks. She clearly recognized caffeine-induced hyperactivity could be a health issue for tiny, developing bodies. THANK YOU, MOM! She, on the other hand, was a coffee fiend. Non-stop drinking. I was about seven years old when I begged her for a taste. I assumed it must be wonderful since she drank it all the time. And it was forbidden. I had to have just one sip.  Icky, icky, icky! "Why, mom, why?"  I was told it's an acquired taste. Not for me.  I've never drank even one cup in my life and have even spit out desserts made with coffee. Yes, I've been very lucky! As bad as chocolate and diet soft drinks have been for me, I can't imagine what a coffee addiction would do to my system.

I've given my caffeine theory to many a coffee drinker. It's like asking heroin addicts to give up heroin. I've had people nearly run me over while I'm walking trying to get to the nearest espresso stand. How many of you have seen coffee fights on the freeway? People jacked up on caffeine are a danger to society. Is it any wonder we have a depression epidemic in this country with a Starbucks on nearly every corner? And a coffee addict who needs a fix? You've seen them nervous, shaking, and pacing like a caged animal ready to bite off your head. Anyone who tells me they can't function throughout the day without coffee, is clearly in need of intervention. It's worse than a chocolate addiction.

Caffeine is also secretly hidden in some health supplements and pain relievers. Energy is a sneaky little sales gimmick.

Were you allowed to drink coffee as a child? Soft drinks?
Why did you start drinking caffeine?
Do you think caffeine affects your health?
How would your life change if you gave it up?


  1. Never liked coffee or soft drinks. Never drank them.

    1. You are lucky! Luckier than me! I just read a book on the history of desserts and it discussed sugar and its attraction to children.

      As a kid I remember non-stop television commercials for soft drinks, junk food, and McDonald's. We couldn't get away from the brainwashing. My most memorable Halloween's was walking for miles out of our neighborhood to get a can of Coke a house was giving out as treats. Every kid Trick or Treating that year was talking about it stopping us on the route, "Guess what we got?!" Then finally, "They're all out." Crushing disappointment. I don't even remember what my costume was that year - just the anticipation I'd get a can of Coke! hahahaha

      The last soft drink I had was about 9 years ago and it wasn't even caffeinated. Because I had gotten used to not drinking pop I was sick all night. Felt like my stomach was being ripped out of me.

      I still LOVE the smell of Pepsi. Better than chocolate.

    2. Hmmm... Is there a way one could make home-made soft drinks?

    3. I have a friend who has experimented making homemade soft drinks. It takes a lot of equipment not to mention a LOT of sugar. A healthy version of rootbeer doesn't seem to bother me at all and it can be bought at the local health food co-op.

      I have another friend who makes homemade wine without sulfites and other additives. Again, it takes a LOT of sugar and some of his flavors are more like soft drinks than wine.

      I suppose they could experiment with other sweeteners, but the diet I'm doing now I can't have any kind of sweeteners or anything processed. I am SO CRAVING something sweet right now and those damn Girl Scouts are out harassing neighborhoods!!!

      I'm of the belief no one really needs soft drinks in their diets. There is nothing natural about it. There are other things to drink that are far more healthy, not as fun nor as addictive, but better for a body.

  2. I'm not a fan of coffee and I can't have caffeine as it makes my heart race. Before I got sick, I would have a Dr. Pepper once and awhile or I would take a sip of my husband's Coke at the end of a meal when we went out. It always reminded me of being a child and having the flu as my mother would give me a few sips of flat Coke to settle my stomach. Now, I can't even have a sip. Oh well, it's probably healthier for me anyway!

    1. Speaking of heart racing, I had some chocolate about a year ago. I won a basket of goodies and there was a bar in there. The devilish stuff said, "Oh, just one bar won't hurt." I ate it at about 6pm and the whole insides of my body shook violently until 4am. I honestly thought I was going to have a heart attack and kept trying to meditate to stop the shaking. It was really scary. Then I was sick until 10am. Bad night. The chocolate wasn't even very good.
