Friday, August 31, 2018

Petition to Cancel the Netflix Series "Afflicted"

It seems Netflix has produced a series called Afflicted that implies MCS people are crazy. The participants are calling for the cancellation of the series. Here is there statement:

We were all told that we would be participating in a project that would show our lives and our struggles with illness through a 'compassionate lens.' We participated because our diagnoses are misunderstood and stigmatized. We thought that revealing some of the most intimate moments of our lives would lead to greater public understanding. We hoped that with it might come investment in research to find biomarkers and better treatments. We never fathomed that we were participating in a project that would instead expose us and our communities to further ridicule and disbelief. The most serious and central flaw of Afflicted is the way it frames our conditions - which impact millions of people around the world - as psychosomatic or psychiatric disorders. It does this in part by carefully excluding facts, which show that yes, while there is a lot that science does not understand about our condition, they have an 'organic' basis.

Hmmm...this reminds me of the Snowflake media fiasco a while back. There is no trusting the media, people! Unless you are absolutely sure of their agenda, back away cautiously.

Even though I signed the petition, I'd kind of like to see the series now. I'm living proof there is no such thing as bad publicity!

To sign the petition on click HERE

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