Sunday, May 1, 2022

Pandemic Visitations

That first year of the pandemic I allowed visitors into my house. I figured right after having the coronavirus myself, I might be safe for a time. No one knew anything, but most research said since it was a SARS virus, more than likely there would be some limited immunity if not permanent immunity.

As the variants began to develop, I cloistered myself a little more rigorously and those who visited were required to wear a mask and stay outside. Some friends argued and assured me they didn't have symptoms so they must not have COVID even though by this time it was clear not everyone has symptoms.

Then the vaccinations started. I considered getting vaccinated, but then came to my senses. This sounded like a really stupid idea for someone who is chemically sensitive with an autoimmune disease. Those of us unable or uncomfortable with vaccinations were then told we couldn't go into some public places or events without proof of vaccination. Some chemically sensitive people were told not to come to family functions or friendship gatherings because they weren't vaccinated. This felt like discrimination. Why were the vaccinated worried? It's the unvaccinated that should be worried, but now the vaccinated feel free to not wear masks.

Well, I can play that game, too! First, I stopped inviting people over even if they were masked and outside. Those who wanted to come for a visit and made that suggestion, I would ask, "Are you vaccinated?" 

They would cheerfully say, "YES! I AM VACCINATED!" 

I would reply, "Then you can't come over. I have no desire for you to breathe germs on me without any consideration for my safety."

My friends argue they don't have COVID, but without a test to confirm how would they know? Am I being passive aggressive and vindictive. Yes. Oh well. Some people are being reinfected three and four times. I don't want it a second time. One time is more than enough!

I have limited my out-of-the house excursions to the food co-op, the library, the free store and other locations where people are taking adequate precautions. This has worked for me. So far. I've been told by friends they believe their new health problems are directly related to the vaccines. Too bad.

Now that all the masks mandates are over the pandemic is feeling over. It's not. The discrimination toward the unvaccinated is still happening. This disrespect is definitely not over. Free COVID tests are being given through the post office and handed out at libraries now. It's absolutely not over. A new study claims 42% of COVID deaths are people who ARE vaccinated. That's got to be a shocker to those dying. It's fucking not over.

I invited a friend of mine to go to an art tour with me then finally came to my senses and cancelled, but I suggested my friend come for a visit. To my house. In my air space. My friend is a nurse so I figured she might be more aware and therefore considerate, but also more exposed. I deliberated and ruminated about this. 

My friend has given me free COVID tests and I know she has access to them. Maybe she will test herself before her arrival? That would be the logical thing to do. She didn't. By the time she thought of it, she was already on route. She did come planning to wear a mask the whole time. Thank you for your consideration, dear friend of mine.

So I suggested, why not use one of my tests, get tested, that way she wouldn't have to wear a mask the whole time and I wouldn't worry the whole time what she's breathing on me? She was all in and since we used one of the tests she gave me, she knew how to do it. Wow. The tests sure are much simpler than when I had that long Q-tip painfully shoved up my nose and into my brain! Fifteen minutes. She was negative and took off her mask. Hooray for my first visitor in a long time!

I didn't realize these tests expire. My new plan for anyone who wants to visit is to use the tests...before they expire!

Like everyone else, I'm looking forward to this pandemic being over!