Tuesday, May 7, 2024



It's 2024 the year I will move! I can't even express how incredibly frightening this is not knowing where I can go that might be safe, trying to figure out how to research and plan, and then actually attempting to visit the location to make sure it would work.

I threw all caution to the wind (or rather humanity-infested perfumed-soaked airspace) and flew on a plane from Seattle to Tucson, Arizona! I got on a plane! I'm still amazed I survived the experience.

I haven't flown for twenty years since the onset of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. The thought of being packed into a small space like a sardine shoulder to shoulder with other sardines has not appealed to me, but how do I research a location and assess safety without visiting? I did consider driving, but the length of time it would take compared to a three hour flight wasn't cost affective. Losing time from work is very costly. So I got brave and donned my wings!

Thankfully, the pandemic made wearing a mask normal. I brought two just in case one wasn't good enough. I use the 3M 8577 P95 which is for odors as well as dust-like molecules. I wear them for any toxic construction or painting projects I might do. Not only do they work great, but they don't offgas any chemicals nor are they soaked with anything like formadehyde. I do well with them. 

Security was a new requirement, one I had never experienced. I'm sure those who travel often take all the changes for granted, but it was a new world for me. Some airports, like Seattle, are incredibly busy with long lines through security; other airports, like Tucson, are empty with no lines and no waiting. I kept my mask on until the security personnel asked to see my face.

The airline reservation was all online, another new experience. The cheap seats don't allow one to choose a seat as that would be an added cost. I was flabbergasted on the flight from Seattle to Tucson I had a whole row to myself! On the way back I was in an emergency seat with no one around me! How does that happen with full flights?

I love airports! The ventilation is top of the line. The ceilings are high. There is plenty of space to stay away from others. I have always found the air in airports to be incredibly clean even with jet fuel exhaust polluting the outside.

On the outgoing flight three women sat in front of me. Someone stunk to high heaven. If I turned my head just right I could smell the perfume. I stopped turning my head and had no problem. (Love this P96 mask!)

The whole time I kept getting really excited! Can I really travel! I can go to Hawaii! Mexico! Europe, even! Wow. Who would have thought! Of course, then there is the risk of a rental car, the risk of accommodation, the risk of airport buses...lots of risk. But I survived!

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