Saturday, August 10, 2013

Zucchini Medallions (Recipe)

I've been eating zucchini for a while now since it's on my diet, but boiling it or eating it raw is really boring. I discovered a wonderful way to prepare it that is fast and easy. Sauté the little rounds in olive oil!
One little zucchini, sliced in circles
3-4 tablespoons of olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Place olive oil in frying pan. Cut zucchini width-wise so you have little medallions.
Place medallions in pan. Heat to medium high. Fry on each side until brown.
Salt and pepper to taste. Serve. Eat. They are so sweet when fried in olive oil.


  1. I am going to try this! Another reason I should retry olive oil...

  2. I found a way to use ALL my extra zucchini and store it for winter. I chop them into biggish chunks, drizzle with olive oil, add a bunch of garlic cloves, and bake for 1 1/2 hours. Then I blend it all in a fury until it's the consistency of cheese sauce, mark the containers Z sauce, and freeze it. Sometimes I add basil to it before blending. I defrost the Z sauce and use it over veggies in the winter and think about summer.

    1. Yum! I have a recipe for Zucchini Soup that uses those giant zucchinis. It's awesome and yummy. It sounds a little like your sauce idea. yum.
