Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Toxic Waste Dump

Scent is the number one reason people buy shampoo. It stands to reason health and beauty manufacturers will take every opportunity to increase sales of their products by adding fragrances. I'm sure they spend thousands if not millions of dollars on research, test marketing to see which smells are the most attractive to the paying customer. But with all the scented products one might opt to use in a day, wouldn't it all mesh together in one big, personal cloud of toxic stink?

Here's an example of the morning ritual using scent examples from internet advertisements:

Lather with hibiscus and shea butter soap, suds with herbal-scented shampoo, rinse with watermelon-scented hair conditioner, squeegee on jasmine lotion, roll on floral-scented deodorant, poof with cactus flower hair mousse, spray on cotton candy hair scent, brush for minty freshness, rinse with berry-flavored mouthwash, dab on vanilla-scented lipstick, dress with apple-mango-tango laundry detergent and airy-fresh fabric softener, dust on orange-scented foot powder, scrub with mountain-fresh dishwashing liquid, slather on apricot hand lotion, drive with pine-scented air fresheners. And that's just the morning ritual.

Am I exaggerating?  It's no exaggeration that some people smell like a toxic waste dump with this mix of poison and they don't even notice it.

The Toxic Waste Dump
Maybe manufacturers need to offer scent coordinates so all your personal products match? I have yet to see anyone offering their services as a scent manager, someone trained to coordinate the multitudes of toxic chemicals we might use in one day. Of course, the job itself would be a health hazard so it's not a profession one would expect to retire from in twenty years.

Oh! Don't forget to bath in some PERFUME while you're at it!

How many scents do you offgas each day?


  1. I am an 'un-smelly' person living an 'un-smelly' life in a 'smelly' world! ;)

    1. And that makes you a very SMART person!! Too bad a majority are so un-smart and have destroyed our world.
