Monday, March 5, 2012

Beyonce Stinks

The Organic Consumers Association is a wonderful lobbyist-type organization that's mission is to educate the public and rally those who want a cleaner world to support various petitions on any number of subjects regarding chemical poisons.

Portrait of a Perfume Ho
"I love the smell of money!"
One petition was an open letter to celebrities who promote perfumes and colognes as spokespeople. Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, and Taylor Swift are just a few who have expanded their empires to include toxic chemical sponsorship. Do these people not already earn enough money? I read somewhere Taylor Swift makes $35 million a year. THIRTY FIVE MILLION? A YEAR!? But the ignorance shocks me. Halle Berry signed with Coty  just about the time she had a baby. Is she really that stupid to want to subject her child to these poisons? Are they really that clueless?  Like a majority of the population, YES, they are! Blinded by the smell of money and brain-dead by the smell of poison.

I do make an effort to boycott the movies and music of those so money hungry they feel the need to promote stink, but every now and then I forget or I just don't know the latest celebrity who is prostituting him or herself to a chemical. There are so many!  Since I do a lot of my shopping online, I ordered Beyonce's latest CD "Four" from  As soon as I unwrapped the plastic I could smell it. There was a perfume sample inside. I've never encountered this before and was a little taken back. It took me about two seconds to shove the CD in three plastic bags while holding my breath and toss it outside. I had never returned an item to Amazon. In my haste (panic) I wrote a really quick reason, ran the package to the post office, and carrying it like it was a bomb heaved it into the post office's mail box. Only then did I step back, relax, and breathe, literally, a sigh of relief.  When the panic subsided and I came to my senses, I re-read the return instructions thoroughly. I missed a few steps. I surmised my reason for return didn't quite qualify as a valid excuse:  A perfume sample? Are you people trying to kill me??  I assumed I just lost $12.00. What a waste. Why wasn't there some kind of  warning on the Amazon website?

I may have lost some money, but I wasn't going to lose the opportunity to make my views known. I wrote emails to Sony Records, Amazon, fan site comment sections, CD reviews, and several MCS support groups. The posts were titled, "Beyonce Stinks". I figured that might get someone hot and bothered.

A week later I received a refund from Amazon! I love Amazon! But now I'm quite leery of ordering music from them. I guess it's time to splurge for an iPod.

Have you found perfume in unexpected places?


  1. Urrrmmmmm.... Nope. As every place has become an EXPECTED place as fragrance is everywhere. There's even a scratch-and-sniff jeans for those who do not want to frequently WASH their jeans and yet do not want it to stink. So just scratch the jeans and voila, you will smell perfume instead of stinky-unwashed jeans. Don't believe me? Here's the link:

  2. I've heard about smelly clothes. That's scary. I read some manufacturers are scenting clothes anyway just as a selling point. There was a store in New York that was putting perfume on their clothes. A bunch of people wrote emails, tweets and boycotted the place.

    Don't you hate it when people don't wash or don't bath and then they try to cover it all up with a chemical? Do they really think it works? UGH!
