Monday, March 19, 2012


In Stieg Larsson's third novel of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy the heroine wears a t-shirt that says I AM ANNOYED. HA! I laughed aloud. The protagonist, Lisbeth Salander, has made being antisocial an art form and she's not even chemically sensitive!  I love that t-shirt. It's so me. When I looked online I could only find it in bright red. Even that annoyed me.

As a multiple chemical sensitive person, if one of your affected body systems is neurological more than likely you are constantly annoyed caused by chemical exposures inflaming and swelling your brain. Irritability would be the proper medical term. I should know, I check that box on every medical questionnaire I fill out! I prefer the word annoyed as it assumes something outside myself is causing my discomfort. Irritated feels more self-blaming.

Unfortunately, as much as I'd like, I can't wear that t-shirt because I work very hard every minute at being positive and that might be a step in the wrong direction. I should wear a t-shirt that says, "I AM POSITIVE", "I AM PATIENT" or "I AM CHEERFUL", but that would annoy me to the point of insanity. "I AM ANNOYED" is a clear warning to others to stay away.

In an effort to be positive, here is my list of things that DO NOT annoy me:

fragrance-free people
co-workers who are lovely, happy, and delightful
clients and customers who are kind, patient and respectful
commercials advertising public service and environmental awareness
grocery checkers who are friendly
excellent customer service
people who strive to be healthy
organic farmers and gardeners
people who are smart
companies that keep their business in the USA
carnivore-free people
non-hunting people
spam-free emails
men who are smart, respectful, kind and sweet
women who aren't addicted to beauty products
children who are respectful, thoughtful, and well-behaved
non-religious people
my garbage man

That is one short list!  Positive thinking is a work in progress. Annoyance almost always involves people. This is my attempt at a positive attitude before I delve into multiple posts on the very annoying subject of human contact.

What doesn't annoy you?


  1. Gosh! Even I annoy myself at times! HAHAHAHA!!!!

    I think a healthy body, soul and spirit would make me the most 'annoy-less' person ever! :P

    I loved Stieg Larsson's trilogy. Such an awesome writer. So sad that he had to die so soon.

    1. Oh, I know! I'm annoyed with myself a lot! And, yes, I never used to be annoyed by everything. It's definitely a side effect of my health.
