Sunday, November 10, 2013


Today I went mushroom my backyard! I've never seen so many kinds of mushrooms. It must be exceptionally wet this year.


I see this one every year. They grow huge.
Every year mushroom buyers show up about this time, set up a little tent in the parking lot of a grocery store, wait for mushroom hunters to bring what they found, and pay them. I have no idea how much. If I see a buyer I might take some samples and see what I have.
One year I went mushroom hunting with a friend who has some property out in the country nearby. Some of the mushrooms she knew and had names for, but most we just stared at dumbfounded. I checked out some books from the library but it was a bit overwhelming as there are thousands of species. I think it would be fun to be a mushroom expert. As it is, I know nothing and don't plan to taste-test any of them. I don't have a death wish.


  1. The mushrooms are great this year! Long ago, we used to identify them using a book called Mushrooms Demystified. Now I just enjoy them in place. Switzerland has govt depts in every town that identify mushrooms for people on Mondays and Thursdays. Nice service.

    1. That might have been the book I used and you might have been the person to tell me about it! I still don't trust if I'm identifying them correctly so I'd never eat them as I'm too insecure. What we don't know could kill us! :)

      Switzerland is awesome.
