Friday, October 12, 2012

Last of the Grass

The grass is GONE! No more mowing! Hooray. I left a bit for Peter:


He also has his Dr. Seuss landscape in the back, but this will give him a bit to nibble and lay upon.

See the bright red over the beauty bark? It's how I'm keeping the cats from using it as a litter box. Grrrr...


  1. Replies
    1. Oh, I guess I should have said what it was! Cayenne pepper. It seems to be working as I'm no longer going out there every morning and facing piles of beauty bark with very gross, orange-colored, liquid cat poop underneath. So gross. It's a huge waste of money to have to shovel the new contaminated beauty bark into the garbage. Once I let Peter back in the front yard he might not like it, although it's never bothered him before. I'm hoping the cats won't like the wet beauty bark and I can stop sprinkling the pepper all over or they will be trained not to bother coming in my yard.
