Saturday, January 10, 2015

Cell Phones Cause Cancer

Has anyone out there NOT heard that cell phones cause cancer? It has been suggested that famous attorney Johnnie Cochran who used his cell phone non-stop died from cell phone-induced brain cancer. Does anyone care? How many people are out there still using cell phones? And the rest of us who don't use them, how are we being affected? Or infected?
This is the best information I've heard on the cancer-causing toxicity of cell phones. This is attorney Jimmy Gonzalez who makes a REALLY good case. And he's articulate and cute...

Well, he WAS articulate and cute. November 27, 2014 he died. He was 42 years old with a wife and two small baby girls.

What an atrocity. It absolutely breaks my heart.


But it got me thinking, if my work depended on the use of a cell phone, would I be willing to give it up for my health?  Like Mr. Gonzalez I am a left-hand talker and oddly enough if I'm on the phone too long, or more than ten minutes, the left side of my head feels like it's going to explode. I see this as NOT a good sign so I gave up using phones a few years ago. I have one, cheap cell phone that I have for emergencies. It's inconvenient for sure, especially since they are required so often for any kind of professional communication, but I don't feel like I have a choice.

But...what would I do if my computer was giving me cancer? How would I live without a computer? How would I work and make money without a computer? The world is dependent on cell phones. How would people give them up? Jeez, how would teenagers function? Could we ever go back to just having landlines?

Wouldn't that be spectacular? I would be very happy never again to hear people screaming on their cell phones while standing in line at the grocery, or while sitting in a library, or hiking in the woods, or while picking berries in a berry field. When someone invented the cell phone they should have required etiquette classes and developed laws forbidding people to be rude cell phone users.

Until then I think this will be survival of the most informed and we will see an increase in cancer in the coming decades.

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