Monday, April 16, 2012

Herbal Folklore for Fun

Here are a few of the more entertaining herbal folklore beliefs:

Rosemary  Hang rosemary over cribs and in children's rooms to prevent fairies from stealing babies. Woven into wreaths, this herb was used to symbolize fidelity at weddings and remembrance at funerals. It also comforts the brain. I like herbs that comfort the brain.
Comfrey If a woman baths in comfrey, it will restore lost virginity. Yeah, right.

Marigolds  It was thought marigolds planted on graves would help the dead sleep. To merely look at a marigold will draw evil humors out of your head. I plan to have a lot growing this year as I'm pretty sure I have lots of evil humors. Maybe marigolds will make me less annoyed?

Thyme  In England thyme is associated with murdered men who souls inhabit the flowers. In Wales it is planted on graves, and in Scotland, it is the favorite plant of fairies. I always thought thyme blossoms look like little fairy flowers.

Coriander, Black Poppy, Fennel, Sandalwood and Henbane If these herbs are burnt together, they will produce a whole army of demons.

And on that note, herbs that will protect you from evil and witchcraft: tansy, angelica, dill, fennel, garlic, marjoram, mint, rue, fennel, and lovage. Fennel hung over your door will prevent witches from entering. I have lovage planted in the front yard to protect my house. It's also used for love charms.


Saint Evelyn
Girl Who Couldn't Grow Parsley
And my favorite folklore tidbit, dedicated to Evelyn, the GirlAlive:

Parsley  Only the wicked can grow parsley  Seeds have a difficult time germinating so it was thought they traveled to hell seven times before being granted permission to grow. However, if they do grow, a woman dominates the house. It is very unlucky to give away or transplant parsley, and if a name is uttered while pulling up a parsley plant, that person will be condemned to death.  I have a whole bed of parsley. I am very wicked. 


  1. No wonder we get along so well!

    Heard of this song, 'God on the drums, Devil on the bass?' Check it out. I heard the Katie Melua version. :)

    I will continue to ATTEMPT to grow parsley! :P

    Oh may the 'force' be with me! :P

    HAHAHAHAHA! Thank you for brightening up my day even though we are thousands of miles apart!!!!

    1. Saint Evelyn, If you ever get parsley growing, I'll have to add a disclaimer to this post and change your portrait to show a pointy tail and a pitchfork! HAHAHAHA Do you like my army of demons? Fun little evil things. I think I want to make a t-shirt with them on it.

  2. oh my gosh, do you draw these pictures yourself? WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW

    1. HAHAHA Thanks! Yes, I am attempting the fine art of watercolor, well, I'm trying. It's very challenging trying to figure out how to work the media.

      Do you like my demons? I'm really fond of those demons. They make me smile.

  3. Oh my gosh, I am so impressed. I first wondered where you had found so many similarly styled photos. Then I slowly started to clue in. Wow. You are extremely talented. Have you always been an artist?

    I can barely draw a stick man...

    1. Thank you! I haven't done a lot of watercolor so I feel a little insecure about it. The blog has inspired me to work at it so it is a work in progress. I have about eight books from the library on watercolor techniques so I'm reading and learning. I've done some other art, other painting styles, etc. I'll soon write another post on entertainment and discuss ART.
