Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Planting

So excited to plant in my new rabbit-manure-saturated gardens! It's time for the first outdoor phase!

Here is the new sun garden, formerly the moon garden. Sunflowers will be planted in the middle with cilantro encircling the sunflowers. In the spokes I planted carrots, lettuce, onions, beets, and carrots. You can see the stakes where the rows are located. The stepping stones around the circle have astrological signs on them in honor of moon planting. I made them a few years ago.

See Peter just beyond the bright lime green feverfew plants? He's keeping an eye on me. No, actually, he's studying the fence around the sun garden so he can figure out how to sneak in when I'm not looking. Bad Bunny! I have a feeling once the plants start growing, he's going to start living up to his namesake.

Along the edges of the sun garden are the snowdrops (no longer in bloom) and the tulips are just now starting to bloom.

Below is the new garden. I dug up some of my front lawn and expanded some little gardens.  The broccoli babies will be transplanted in a few days. I should have tranplanted them earlier, but I am going out of town for a couple days and was afraid if it got too warm and sunny without water they'd die. So I've waited. Hopefully they'll be fine. Garden books say transplant four weeks before last frost (which is today), but the almanac says first quarter which isn't for another two weeks or two weeks ago, which is when I should have done it. This is a situation where you just do whatever you can and hope for the best!

The broccoli, cucumbers, spinach, nasturtiums and borage will go in the foreground, oregano is at the left barely in the picture. Thyme and garlic are next to the oregano, but can't be seen in this photo. Two blueberry bushes are in the middle, and the third bush back by the shed. Squash with marigolds will be in the garden in the far background and I'm not sure what I'll plant in the middle - maybe daisies or sunflowers unless I need more room for something. The cement pieces make good walkways to get around in the garden without getting dirty or muddy.

So exciting!


  1. I want the TULIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Do tulips grow in Malaysia? I know they are an early spring plant here so maybe they like cold?

    2. They can be grown on the highlands! But I live in the valley, so it's no TULIPS! I'll just gaze at yours instead! :)

    3. I'll try to send you more tulip pictures, if it ever stops raining! The purple ones in my front yard are really nice right now, and I have some strange red-orange ones, too. I love tulips. When I first moved here I bought 200 bulbs and put them all over!
